Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Stiiiiiiiillll working on my hundred piece city. It feels a little odd to be working on something so long term, almost like I'm not doing anything, but hopefully when it's finally done and finally hanging on the gallery wall, I will sigh in relief and satisfaction. These are just a few of the recently printed frames, only a handful more to fill/print and then I think I'll seal up the boxes they've been gathering in and move on for the penultimate months before my show.

The strange thing to me about this project is that the "finished" product won't really reveal itself until it's completely out of my hands. I've never dealt with anything like that before, it's exciting but terrifying...

I love this postcard. I picked up my last trip to Pittsburgh at a neat shop that sells vintage and handmade cards and postcards (among other things) called Wildcard.

If you don't understand the title, watch Fantastic Mr. Fox.

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